Mount Whitney (highest point in United States outside Alaska) and surrounding peaks from the Lone Pine visitor center

Mount Whitney from the portal road

Looking north up the Owens Valley from the Whitney portal road

The Whitney portal road

Thor Peak and Mount Whitney from the portal road

Start of the main Mount Whitney trail

Thor Peak from the trail

Lizard on the trail

Trail crossing North Fork Lone Pine Creek

Climbing towards Lone Pine Lake

Crossing Lone Pine Creek at 10,000ft

The start of the Whitney zone above Lone Pine Lake

Looking down to Lone Pine Lake and east across the Owens Valley to the Inyo Mountains

Bighorn Sheep Park and Outpost Camp

Snow-covered trail to Trail Camp above Mirror Lake at 11,000ft

Trail Camp at 12,000ft

The route to Trail Crest

Solar latrine at Trail Camp

Whitney Needles at sunrise

Snow surface on the trail at sunrise

The route to Trail Crest at sunrise

Ice on the switchbacks

Cable section of the switchbacks

Pinnacle Ridge from the snow chute

Wotans Throne and Trail Camp from the snow chute

Highest point; approx. 13,000ft on the snow chute

Looking up the snow chute towards Trail Crest

Marmot at Trail Camp

Mount Whitney and the Needles from Trail Camp

Descent from Trail Camp

Frozen Consultation Lake

Above Whitney Portal

Lone Pine: Dow Villa Hotel where I stayed; and the Mount Whitney Restaurant where I had a Buffalo Whitney Burger