I was later at St Bride's and knew the teachers mentioned but have little to add to what is already written. I was a member of the choir but never went on any holiday.
I remember Bhudda and his poem "Lord of Tartary" with a lisp you
did not sit in the front row.
The music teacher as well "appreciate appreciate" .
Sid, who rescued me from bullies and let me set up experiments (He taught
science as well ) .
Wee alky who took no prisoners. Troublemakers were very subdued after noisely helping him
in the store cupboard. I rescued one gentle giant who he presumed was contradicting him
about previous seating positions, actually he had not been in the class on the first day
so had no previous position.
My popularity took a nose dive when Alky took me into third year tech drawing class to
show them how to do it (I was in first year). Lets say they did not appreciate my help.
Sid used to have a pocket full of sweets (boilings) he ate through the day
and gave as rewards. In many ways he was like a clever (Geeky) school boy who never grew
up. Astronomy was another of his hobbies (similar to Patrick Moore in style).